Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Review : Oriflame Facial Brush

Oriflame facial brush ini ngebantu bersihin pori-pori muka, muka jadi super duper bersih and halus cuci muka pake brush ini.

Bahan brushnya dari bulu sintetis, bulunya lembut jadi waktu di pake tu ga sakit. Pegangannya juga handy, jadi gampang di pegang. Cara make brush ini, di basahin dulu bulunya, baru diatas brush itu kita kasih cleansing foam sebesar biji jagung, abis itu blend di permukaan kulit muka kita dengan gerakan memutar, ga sampe satu menit foamnya jadi banyak banget!

Abis pake brush ini, kita bilas lagi sampe bersih. Abis itu brushnya jangan langsung di tutup lagi, taruh aja brushnya dalam posisi kebalik biar brushnya jadi cepet kering. Kalo langsung di tutup, brushnya jadi lama kering, nah brush dalam keadaan lembab gitu, bakteri jadi cepet berkembang. Jadi abis di pake taruh aja kaya gini ;
So,kalian ga mau kan muka cantik kalian kena bakteri..

1 komentar:

  1. INTI College Indonesia

    INTI College Indonesia is the pioneer of internationalized private higher learning institution in the country. Through a range of practical and innovative courses, INTI College Indonesia has carved out a reputation as a respected institution that offers International transfer program since 2001.

    INTI College Indonesia always aims at producing graduates with solid employability factors, as the institution realizes that the increasingly competitive job market requires a grasp of real industry setting, a winning edge and an overall solid employability factor.

    INTI College Indonesia is a subsidiary of INTI Education Group, higher learning institution with commendable reputation and extensive experiences in the education industry. INTI College Indonesia is also a member of Laureate International University Network, which is the world’s largest education network with over 50 universities in 29 countries.

    Being a part of INTI College Indonesia means pursuing a world-class education for a Global Career.


    Many courses at INTI College Indonesia are problem-based learning, and as such, dynamic interaction in the classroom is bound to happen.
    INTI College Indonesia offers two programs:
    > International Transfer Program
    > University Foundation
    > Business studies program that recognized internationally

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